PR3 - TUNED Serious game

Smarted srl


 The target groups are the same of PR2.


PR3 represents the project result oriented to the creation of the Serious game that will include ARG (Alternate Reality Game) elements for learning purposes. The game will be based on a role-play simulation, where the player interacts with an avatar (led by artificial intelligence) based on the scenarios delivered by a cocreation process in the PR1 and in national multiplier events ME1- 2-3-4. As previously cited, it will be combined with an ARG, the storytelling and the interactions between the user and the avatars will be altered by the players’ actions in the real world, including on their learning path on the MOOC (i.e. the interaction with the avatar will be possible only if a specific tasks is delivered, for example creating a real Google calendar meeting with the avatar). The role-game play will place the user in a position to reflect on the lessons learnt in the MOOC and apply some elements previously seen in the videos and slides of the course. At the same time some actions, crucial in teaching in distance contexts, will be required, that will impact on the game. PR3 aims at:

  1. Designing the TUNED game, as a role-playing game based on the model delivered as PR1 and based on previous serious game (ACCORD, DoCENT)
  2. Implementing mechanics of Alternate Reality Game in order to manage the interactions with the game based on actions (and learning experience) in the real world
  3. Proposing a user-centred methodology involving the user in the co-design of the scenarios
  4. Including the TUNED game in the MOOC (PR2)
  5. Testing under a technical point of view the TUNED game.


 TUNED game is a relevant project result, providing a tool useful for the MOOC users (professors) that could easily implement the lesson learnt in the course. TUNED Game will represent the “lab” in the form of practical activities for testing their teaching skills about self-regulation learning and cooperative learning. The game will provide practical situations based on the scenarios co-created with the HEIs professors.


TUNED game will have a twice nature. On one hand, the software will be integrated with the MOOC in order to be fully embedded in the learning course as a webapp, on the other hand, the game will be freely usable outside the course. It will be played by any external user, who wants to test their knowledge on SRL or train itself on these arguments. This double strategy of diffusion is oriented to a wide dissemination of the project results allowing an autonomous and ubiquitous play and a mobile game-based learning.


The innovation of this Serious Game is to be a role-playing game, co-designed with the professors, namely the users of this tools. In addition, the innovative aspects of this PR are related to the design of this Serious Game as a module of an Online Course, representing its laboratory session, where the learner is able to practice the acquired knowledge and test its behaviours in a safe environment interacting with avatars. The innovation is the core of this PR and refers to the learning approach and technical implementation the integrated the MOOC with the Virtual Role-Playing Game, that exploits these two technologies in a strategic way, involving in a pleasant way the learner with the aim to prevent the drop-out from the course and applying the achieved competence in a practical way. The serious game will allow the user to face real situations (in simulated way) and will benefit from real actions (as a ARG platform). The user will play for understanding the competences described in the MOOC, applying them in a tangible field. The Role-playing game will provide a context that encourages risk-taking behaviours, promoting collaboration that are crucial for the learning and practicing of different category of soft skills.

01/12/2022 - 29/02/2024 ; English , Italian , Finnish , Greek , Dutch