Participate in the TUNED Project Contest!
The TUNED Project Partnership is thrilled to give you the chance to participate in a contest focused on Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) with an opportunity to win awards!
To enter our contest, please follow these guidelines:
· SUBMISSION PERIOD: You can submit your work from now until September 30, 2024
· SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: You have to design a learning scenario that can support students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) practices in either face-to-face or online settings. You can base your scenario on personal experiences by considering the following questions:
- Have you ever encountered problems during a face-to-face or online lesson (as either a teacher or a student)?
- What challenges did you face?
- What approaches did you use to overcome those problems?
- What SRL approach would you have used?
- How could you have fostered SRL processes during the lesson (e.g., planning, goal-setting, motivation, reflection etc.)?
- How would you design a learning environment to support SRL practices?
You can submit your work as one of the following formats:
- a set of no more than 10 slides as a PPT or PDF file;
- a video with a maximum length of 5 minutes (mp3; mp4; mkv; wmv)
- a poster.
The work will be assessed based on these 3 criteria:
- Understanding of core principles of SRL: define and describe components and core principles.
- Application of SRL: SRL strategies in real-world or educational contexts, including examples from hypothetical or personal experiences.
- Critical reflection: strengths and weaknesses of SRL and/or address potential challenges in implementing SRL strategies.
To ask for more information or clarifications write to
· CATEGORIES: Your scenario should relate to one of these categories:
- Humanities
- Other.
Some of you will have the chance to be declared winners at the TUNED Project Conference in Cyprus on October 23.
There will be four winners: one in the STEM category, one in the Humanities category, and two in the Other category.
To reward your effort and dedication, you can win a prize worth €100, and your work will be published on the TUNED Project website!
Reserve a free spot for the TUNED Project Conference (either in-person in Cyprus or online) to find out live if you have won!
SUBMIT YOUR WORK HERE: – Specify in the mail object the category in which you want to submit your work
Download our Guidebook to read more about Self-Regulated Learning:
N.B.: Participation in the contest does not necessarily require participation at the conference, and vice versa.